NEWSLETTER: April 2022

April 2022
iENGINEERING Awarded AASHTO Web Services Digital Transformation Project

iENGINEERING was recently awarded the AASHTO Web Services Digital Transformation Project. As part of this project, AASHTO has embarked on a journey to modernize and improve its digital presence and enhance member experience by redefining the AASHTO brand. To better understand stakeholder expectations and requirements and identify the best way forward for AASHTO, iENGINEERING conducted a series of strategic planning sessions. These strategic planning sessions were attended by the AASHTO IT staff and various key stakeholders. The discussions held during the strategic planning sessions led to the development of a bigger roadmap for AASHTO that will enable the organization to not only redesign its main website, but also restructure its entire inventory of websites, applications, and online services.

The main objective of AASHTO for this project is to improve the overall communication, coordination, and engagement of its members while concurrently modernizing the website. This project will enable AASHTO to go beyond a traditional content-based website by integrating modern tools and technologies that will enable and facilitate engagement within the organization, as well as between its members and external stakeholders. The new website will serve as a benchmark for other associations and highlight AASHTO’s presence as a leader within the transportation industry.

Transconomy Viewer Equipped With New “Road View” Feature

Transconomy Viewer is an interactive infrastructure asset management tool that allows transportation agencies to visualize transportation assets as point-based and segment-based data attributes on thematic maps for in-depth analysis. Its enhanced visualization features provide an accurate display of geocoded inventory of roadway assets.

As part of a recent update, Transconomy Viewer launched a new feature called Road View, which allows agencies to visualize roadway assets using a street view. This update still maintains the data-agnostic features of Transconomy and does not limit users from processing or visualizing assets coming from various data sources. In fact, unlike previous versions of Transconomy Viewer where users could only visualize one asset type at a time, this recent update allows users to visualize multiple types of assets simultaneously on color-coded maps. This feature will allow decision-makers to know the exact position of roadway assets on the road and gain a better understanding of various asset types and their relative locations.

Launch of Web-Based Viewer for AASHTO's Digital Publications

iENGINEERING successfully implemented an enhancement as part of AASHTO’s electronic publications that will now provide secure viewing of AASHTO digital publications in web browsers without the need for downloading PDFs. This feature is very useful as it provides the ability to view a publication in a web browser, which does not require any special installations, downloading of instructions, or third-party plug-ins for document export. Publications remain highly secure and encrypted when viewed using a web browser, preventing any unauthorized access. Browser-based viewing also allows electronic publications to be viewed on mobile devices, including smartphones, and tablets, thus significantly improving the overall user experience.

iENGINEERING Launches iWrapper Customer Portal

iENGINEERING has launched a new customer-facing portal for iWrapper. iWrapper provides customers with the core essentials to protect their documents in a simple and cost-effective solution without having to deal with complex Digital Rights Management (DRM) solutions. iWrapper allows for convenient restriction of copying, printing, and sharing propriety documents. iWrapper also comes with a built-in e-commerce module that allows you to monetize your publications and generate additional revenue.

In today’s world, users require an all-in-one solution packed with the latest features that are both simple and designed from a user-centric lens. iWrapper’s customer portal embodies this need for versatility and simplicity by offering a one-stop shop for all your DRM needs. Now available at affordable pricing plans, the new interface enables customers to customize the portal in accordance with their DRM needs – from gaining user insights to monetization through advertisements. Customers can now add publications, organize them in the form of collections, and set the policies and permissions for their PDF documents based on the features purchased.

iENGINEERING Presents at the 1st International Data Science for Pavements Symposium

iENGINEERING is proud to have presented at the 1st International Data Science for Pavements Symposium, which was held from March 22 to March 24, 2022 at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC). The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Missouri Center for Transportation Innovation, and the University of New Hampshire organized the event, which focused on advancing data science technology in the field of pavement engineering. Alex Vuotto, a Technology Business Analyst at iENGINEERING, presented on “Leveraging Infrastructure Performance Analytics for Data-Driven Decision-Making” as part of the Asset Management section of the symposium.

The event also included interactive workshops focusing on introducing participants to real-world pavement condition data and analytical tools that are available to further explore and learn from the data. These workshops were helpful in familiarizing participants with foundational data science concepts and programming languages.

iENGINEERING Attends the TRB Annual Meeting 2022

Representatives from iENGINEERING attended the 101st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), which was held in Washington DC from January 9 to January 13, 2022. Thousands of transportation administrators, practitioners, policymakers, and researchers made the trip to DC to participate in more than 400 workshops, lectern, and poster sessions, and nearly 400 committee meetings. iENGINEERING is proud to support its customers including FHWA, AASHTO, AASHTOWare, and NTPEP, among other transportation agencies and industry leaders who were present at the TRB Annual Meeting 2022.

Employee Profile: Maqsood Ashiq

Mr. Ashiq is the Project Manager at iENGINEERING and has spent over a decade with the company. He is responsible for the overall management of the production support operations of the company. He also has experience in designing complex architectures for large scale enterprise applications. He is involved as the Project Manager of various development projects where his responsibilities include project management, system design, development, troubleshooting, bug-fixing, and deployment of applications using Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft .NET, and Microsoft SQL Server. He has also led multiple projects involving Content Management Systems such as WordPress and Drupal.

Mr. Ashiq is currently overseeing various projects and portals for AASHTO and ASHRAE, including a lead role in the development of ASHRAE Authoring Portal, AASHTO Portal, AASHTOWare Portal, AASHTO News, and AASHTO Membership Information Management System (AMIMS). Mr. Ashiq holds a master’s degree in Computer Science, a professional diploma in project management and agile practices, and ISO-20000 IT Service Management Systems Lead Implementer certification.