iENGINEERING has completed the design and development of the FHWA InfoTechnologyTM web portal. This problem-focused tool is designed to assist engineers and transportation officials in selecting the most suitable technologies for Nondestructive Evaluations (NDE) for the asset they are evaluating.
FHWA InfoTechnologyTM is equipped with an intuitive and user-friendly interface that provides an on-demand overview of a specific NDE technology. A description of the technology, the engineering principles used for the method, how to apply the technology, analysis procedures, limitations, and advantages are displayed in an easy-to-read format. Filtering capabilities allow users to narrow down their search by selecting the asset type (bridge, pavement, or tunnel), materials, structural element, and target of investigation corresponding to their use case. A glossary and list of acronyms and abbreviations are also provided to assist users who may not be familiar with all the technical terms used in the field of NDE.