iENGINEERING has successfully implemented a Knowledge Management (KM) Platform for United Nations Office for Projects Services (UNOPS), Somalia Office. This KM platform will help UNOPS in managing their Somalia Security and Justice Program (SSJP), which is a long-term program to improve the security and justice situation in Somalia. The program involves several international stakeholders (including donors, consultants, implementing partners, etc.) directly involved in the process. However, most of these stakeholders were based in locations outside Somalia, and had a lack of visibility, coordination, and knowledge sharing throughout the process. iENGINEERING team conducted online surveys and detailed meeting sessions with the UNOPS, and several other stakeholders to identify their key problems and their needs regarding knowledge management. Based on this analysis, a detailed Learning and Knowledge Exchange Strategy (LKES) was developed and proposed to the UNOPS. After approval, we have successfully implemented an Online Knowledge Management Platform for them using a Cloud Based Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) system. iENGINEERING has recently completed the onboarding of the stakeholders on this new platform.