In a significant stride towards advancing infrastructure research and development, iENGINEERING has successfully expanded the database to include new datasets for FHWA InfoMaterials™ for the year 2023. These improvements encompass three new datasets and an augmentation to an existing one, each contributing valuable insights to materials testing and evaluation.
Notably, the Mobile Asphalt Technology Center (MATC) Dataset has been expanded to include data from FHWA MATC Materials Testing Projects for 2022 in Washington, Arizona, and Mississippi. The Dynamic Modulus Test and Cyclic Fatigue Test Refinements (DMCF) Dataset now provides experimental results from small-scale studies. The Erosion Function Apparatus (EFA) Dataset includes subsets covering a variety of erosion-related studies. Lastly, the Large-Scale Direct Shear (LSDS) Dataset incorporates results from tests conducted in 2022, 2018, and 2015, focusing on open-graded aggregates (OGAs) as structural backfill materials. These enhancements promise to significantly enrich the resources available to engineers and researchers, improving the understanding of materials behavior and advancing infrastructure development.